RECORDINGS Skip to Videos All | Bach | BBC Cardiff Singer of the World | Handel | Rossini | Song | Wagner | BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, Le spectre de la rose (Berlioz) BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, Alma, ben mio, si pura (Rossini: Bianca e Falliero) BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, Urlicht (G. Mahler: Symphonie No 2) Bach, Erbarme dich, mein Gott (J S Bach: Matthäuspassion) Wagner, Weiche, Wotan, weiche! (Wagner: Das Rheingold) Rossini, Eccomi alfine in Babilonia ... Ah, quel giorno (Rossini: Semiramide) Song, Brahms: Von ewiger Liebe Op 43 / 1 Handel, Priva son d'ogni conforto (Handel: Giulio Cesare)